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Mars Hill Elementary School
Mars Hill Elementary School

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Picture of Jennifer Caldwell with Dr. Hoffman

Madison County Schools is proud to announce that Jennifer Caldwell, Principal of Madison Early College High, has been selected as the 2024-2025 Principal of the Year. This prestigious honor recognizes Ms. Caldwell's exceptional leadership, dedication to student success, and her unwavering commitment to creating a safe and supportive educational environment.

With a decade of experience as a principal, Ms. Caldwell has consistently showcased her expertise as an instructional leader. Her innovative approaches to education and her focus on academic
excellence have significantly enhanced the learning experience at Madison Early College High School. Her mentorship extends beyond her school as she plays a crucial role in guiding fellow principals within the district, helping to build a collaborative and forward-thinking leadership community across Madison County Schools.

Read More about Jennifer Caldwell Named 2024-2025 Madison County Schools Principal of the Year


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2024-2024 Student Handbook

Handbook title


Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet Consectetur

box of crayons with a child coloring in the background

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

group of 3 boys smiling for the camera